Welcome to the homepage of the

Mathematical Optimization for Data Science Group

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Saarland University, Germany

Tejas Natu

PhD Student
Mathematical Optimization for Data Science Group
Joint supervision with Jalal Fadili, ENSICAEN, France.

Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Saarland University
Campus E1.1, room 4.06.3
66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

Research Interest:

Mathematical optimization
Machine Learning

Brief Bio:

After completing an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering in India, I obtained a master's degree in Applied Mathematics from San Diego State University where my thesis focused on convex optimization and compressed sensing. This was followed by a second master's degree in Mathematics from Florida State University, where my advanced topics examination focused on constrained optimization and algorithms. I have now joined the Mathematical Optimization group at Saarland University a PhD under the supervision of Peter Ochs. My research interest lies in mathematical optimization and its applications.

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